This blog is dedicated to scaling your nonprofit’s revenue.

3 Ways to take a High-ROI Approach to Nonprofit Fundraising
Nonprofit Growth, Development Sherry Quam Taylor Nonprofit Growth, Development Sherry Quam Taylor

3 Ways to take a High-ROI Approach to Nonprofit Fundraising

Chasing every dollar in fundraising is a losing game.

Here’s what happens: You’ll spend more hours than you should earning each dollar. You’ll get sucked into the transactional deadline-driven spin-cycle. You’ll burn out trying to hit fragmented goals all year long.

High-ROI fundraisers take a different approach.

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Invest in Your Nonprofit Staff Becoming Top-Level Salespeople
Nonprofit Growth, Development Sherry Quam Taylor Nonprofit Growth, Development Sherry Quam Taylor

Invest in Your Nonprofit Staff Becoming Top-Level Salespeople

My 12+ year business has grown substantially every year - and, especially the last 5 years. I constantly invest in sales coaches. 

I love learning from top salespeople and hearing them talk about how they’ve honed their processes, their tone, and approach. They constantly study and refine their sales skills to perfection. Here’s what gets me…

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Nonprofit Leaders: Are you treating LinkedIn like Facebook or Instagram?
Nonprofit Growth, Development Sherry Quam Taylor Nonprofit Growth, Development Sherry Quam Taylor

Nonprofit Leaders: Are you treating LinkedIn like Facebook or Instagram?

If you’re a nonprofit CEO and you’re treating LinkedIn like Facebook or Instagram, you’re missing out on a big opportunity. 

(Don't believe me? Ask my client who can tie back a 6- and 7-figure gift to LinkedIn Visibility. Full stop.) 

LinkedIn is not for selling tickets, gathering raffle items, recruiting 5K participants. That’s for your grassroots donors on Facebook.

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3 Reasons Nonprofit Leaders Must Invest in Experts
Nonprofit Growth, Development Sherry Quam Taylor Nonprofit Growth, Development Sherry Quam Taylor

3 Reasons Nonprofit Leaders Must Invest in Experts

One of the lies told to the nonprofit sector is that securing pro bono work should be a priority. After all, the Give/Get often sets this pace from day one.  

Well, 9 times out of 10, pro bono work slows you down. It’s likely slowing your organization’s growth too. 

If you’re serious about change you need to invest in experts for their skills.

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Nonprofit Roadblocks—Fundraising Events Can Keep a Donor From Giving Their Best Gift
Nonprofit Growth, Development Sherry Quam Taylor Nonprofit Growth, Development Sherry Quam Taylor

Nonprofit Roadblocks—Fundraising Events Can Keep a Donor From Giving Their Best Gift

I was providing some cultivation strategies to a client who recently shifted their fundraising model and approach from transactional (heavy events & appeals) to deep relationship building activities.  

It’s going really well. Wondering if you’re ready to make that move?   

Here’s an example of how you can tell there’s money sitting on the table . . .

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