The Business Behind Fundraising Podcast

In my podcast you’ll discover how to raise the kind of money your big vision requires without adding more events, appeals, or grant applications.

I’ll share how to stop blocking overall revenue growth and start attracting investment-level donors who want to give you unrestricted gifts!

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Nonprofit Growth, Development, Case Study Sherry Quam Taylor Nonprofit Growth, Development, Case Study Sherry Quam Taylor

New Podcast: Diversifying Your Human Service Org's Revenue—A Case Study with Carina Santa Maria at Shelter, Inc.

This month's podcast is an important one for those of you with revenue models heavily dependent on federal dollars

You see, my typical client doesn't have a traditional funding model. They're often handcuffed from being too dependent on one source of revenue and want to diversify into larger amounts of general-operating, philanthropic support.

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Nonprofit Growth, Development, Case Study Sherry Quam Taylor Nonprofit Growth, Development, Case Study Sherry Quam Taylor

New Podcast: Pressing Pause on Your Gala — A Case Study with Janelle Miller Moravek at Youth & Family Counseling

I promise I don’t tell every client to press pause on their Gala. I’ve got plenty of clients where the Gala makes sense. 

I don’t hate galas. I just want galas to be used strategically….as a STEP in your major donor’s experience with your organization. Not, THE lead experience a donor has with you.

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Nonprofit Growth, Development Sherry Quam Taylor Nonprofit Growth, Development Sherry Quam Taylor

New Podcast: Cultivating & Captivating Next-Gen Board Members with Julia Patrick of American Nonprofit Academy

Ever heard of the “silver tsunami”? 

If you’ve been lucky to be witness to Julia C. Patrick and her wisdom, you may have heard her speak to this very phenomenon: the draining pool of nonprofit board members who are in their “seasoned” years of life. 

Julia’s my guest this month on my Business Behind Fundraising podcast! You can listen on YouTube or Apple Podcasts.

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Nonprofit Growth, Development Sherry Quam Taylor Nonprofit Growth, Development Sherry Quam Taylor

Fall Funder Series: A Discussion with Aba Taylor, Executive Director of Brookline Community Foundation

This week on my Business Behind Fundraising podcast, I’m bringing the FINAL episode of my Three-Part Fall Series featuring funders we all admire!

🍂In August, we had Shireen Zaman of the Ford Foundation’s BUILD program. 

🍂Then, in September you heard from John Tracey of the Simons Foundation.

🍂Now, here in October, you’ll hear Aba Taylor, Executive Director of Brookline Community Foundation in Boston!

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Nonprofit Growth, Development Sherry Quam Taylor Nonprofit Growth, Development Sherry Quam Taylor

Fall Funder Series: A Discussion with John Tracey, Program Director of the Simons Foundation

This week on my Business Behind Fundraising podcast, I’m bringing Part Two of a Three-Part Fall Series featuring funders we all admire! I’m asking all the questions that you want to know from funding partners. They’ve been super generous with their advice. 

We started with a bang last month with Shireen Zaman of the Ford Foundation’s BUILD program.  

Now, here in September, you’ll hear from John Tracey, Program Director, Science, Society and Culture of the Simons Foundation.

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Nonprofit Growth, Development Sherry Quam Taylor Nonprofit Growth, Development Sherry Quam Taylor

Fall Funder Series: A Discussion with Shireen Zaman, Program Officer, BUILD // Ford Foundation

This week on my Business Behind Fundraising Podcast, I launched Part One of a Three-Part Fall Series featuring funders we all admire! Skip ahead and LISTEN HERE.

Many of you saw that earlier this year I was fortunate enough to teach a webinar through The Chronicle of Philanthropy with Shireen Zaman the Ford Foundation’s BUILD program. 

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Nonprofit Growth, Development, Case Study Sherry Quam Taylor Nonprofit Growth, Development, Case Study Sherry Quam Taylor

New Podcast: Case Study with Veronika at the Emerald Necklace Conservancy — Fully Funding your New Strategic Plan

One of the most common questions I get is whether or not a combined Development and Mar/Comm role is a good or bad thing. Honestly, this is a big part of the advisory work I do….

In this podcast, you'll learn how Nika’s fundraising time shifted when we took marketing/comm off her plate and shifted those hours into relational fundraising.

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Nonprofit Growth, Development, Case Study Sherry Quam Taylor Nonprofit Growth, Development, Case Study Sherry Quam Taylor

New Podcast: Case Study with Melissa Hilton at Erie Family Health — Relational Fundraising for a $100M+ FQHC

So many leaders who come to me are already raising millions but want to diversify their funding model. Often their organizations are greatly dependent on ever-changing and slow-paying government dollars like Medicaid/Medicare. They also want to scale gen-ops revenue through philanthropy but want help learning how to do that for the long-term.

That's exactly what we're talking about with my client, Erie Family Health Center’s Vice President of Development, Melissa Hilton. Erie is a FQHC - even if you aren't a Federally Qualitified Healthcare Center, this episode will be really valueable.

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Nonprofit Growth, Development, Board Engagement Sherry Quam Taylor Nonprofit Growth, Development, Board Engagement Sherry Quam Taylor

New Guest Podcast: Questions You’ve Always Wanted to Know About Your Board of Directors with Mary Hiland

You have questions about your nonprofit’s board, Mary Hiland has answers!

I recently had an amazingly enlightening conversation on my podcast with Mary, who has been a leading expert in the nonprofit industry for over 40 years. She is the Founder and President of Hiland Consulting, where she supports executive directors through mentoring and coaching.

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Nonprofit Growth, Development Sherry Quam Taylor Nonprofit Growth, Development Sherry Quam Taylor

New Guest Podcast: Grant writing for Nonprofits with Arlene Siller

On this month’s podcast, you’re hearing from Arlene Siller, an absolute expert in the field of grant writing. I'm talking over 29 years of experience in securing multimillion-dollar grants! Arlene is the founder of Ascend Nonprofit and Business Solutions LLC, a firm helping women and minority owned nonprofits around the country secure essential funding through grants.

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Nonprofit Growth, Development Sherry Quam Taylor Nonprofit Growth, Development Sherry Quam Taylor

New Guest Podcast: Attracting Donors with Your Unique Authority and Brand Visibility with Bofta Yimam

You’ll hear me talk a lot about budgets and really understanding the financial needs of a nonprofit organization. While “money talk” is a significant portion of nonprofit strategy, it’s certainly not the only focus point.

I recently had Bofta Yimam on my podcast to share her expertise on why visibility through storytelling is so important for nonprofit success.

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Nonprofit Growth, Development, Case Study Sherry Quam Taylor Nonprofit Growth, Development, Case Study Sherry Quam Taylor

New Podcast: Case Study in uUsing your 5X revenue goals to attract major donors

On this month’s podcast, you’re hearing straight from my client, Yamilée Toussaint Beach, Founder and CEO of STEM From Dance, a national organization headquartered in New York City. As a Mechanical Engineer and Dancer, Yamilée is a perfectly balanced right brain and left brain individual. Those types of people make the best leaders AND the best fundraisers in my book!

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Nonprofit Growth, Development, Case Study Sherry Quam Taylor Nonprofit Growth, Development, Case Study Sherry Quam Taylor

New Podcast: Case Study on how my client reaches his annual fundraising goals early every year (while working less hours)

On this month’s podcast, you’re hearing straight from my client, Tre Moore, National Director of India Rural Evangelical Fellowship (IREF). I’ve worked with Tre for years now, so we know each other well! Honestly, he’s become an amazing fundraiser. Maybe one of the best.

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