This blog is dedicated to scaling your nonprofit’s revenue.
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Nonprofit Fundraisers Need to Study and Understand the Stock Market
You know what would be a game-changer in the nonprofit sector? Ensuring all Fundraisers study and understand the stock market.
[Insert “This is not stock advice” disclaimer here.]

Nonprofit Fundraising: There’s no short-cut to Donor Advised Funds
There's $250+ BILLION undisbursed dollars in Donor Advised Funds right now.
But, what I’m most troubled by within this topic is probably not what you’d think.
You see, we often hear this frustration about DAFs . . .

Nonprofit Board Members: Are you being an energy giver? Or an energy taker?
Nonprofit Board Members: May I ask a direct question?
In your board service - Are you being an energy giver? Or an energy taker?

Nonprofit Leaders: You Need To Be Yourself To Form Deeper Relationships With Donors
An honest confession here . . .
I cringe a little bit when I’m asked for “a script for donor calls”. Whether it’s for leadership, your board members, or staff . . .

Nonprofit Leaders: It takes times to put your organization on a completely different revenue path . . .
Recently I spoke to a nonprofit leader with a new Strategic Plan wanting to grow their overall budget from $12M to $20M. Lots of earned revenue is in that number, but the charitable revenue needs to grow from $2M to $8M.
Cool. I can help with that. But, then came this question . . .

My Nonprofit Client’s Annual Revenue Grew by 7-Figures in 18-Months
If your organization has historically raised donations from individuals through appeals and events, what's the largest gift you can imagine asking a donor for?

The Business Behind Nonprofit Fundraising—You Need to Fix the Root of the Issue First
Steady, unrestricted revenue for gen-operating expenses gets solved at the business level. Not always the traditional fundraising level.

Misconceptions about Nonprofit Boards
I recently read a great article from my colleague Sarah Olivieri called “Top 5 Reasons Communication Breaks Down Between Boards and Executive Directors”. I’ll link it HERE.
Here’s why I’m still thinking about it . . .

In Nonprofit Fundraising, the right tools can help you land a $250K gift
The other day I saw a post that read something like...“A glossy deck or gift chart doesn't get major donors to give more money.” Do I agree with that statement?

Co-Host Spot on The Nonprofit Show Podcast: Sherry’s Top Trends for 2025
I’m sharing my recent co-host spot on The Nonprofit Show where I share some BOLD fundraising trends for 2025!

Nonprofit Leaders: This is how you build a sustainable organization . . .
Do you know what creates a strong Capital Campaign?
A strong annual fund.
Do you know what creates a strong Growth Campaign?
A strong annual fund.

Equip Your Nonprofit Development Team to Fundraise with a More Practical Approach
The nonprofit sector has tried to trick us.
It tells us fundraising looks like . . .

Nonprofit Fundraising is Education
We’ve put the idea that “to make programs grow, you must restrict funds to PROGRAMMING” behind us by now, right?
We know this statement isn’t true...
But, I know lots of you must continually educate board members and donors about this concept.