Need an expert to speak at your next nonprofit event, podcast, or webinar?

I speak on nonprofit topics such as:
How to push against the nonprofit sector’s traditional fundraising methods and embrace out-of-the-box growth principles
The path to abundance, extreme growth, and expansive revenue potential for nonprofits
Creating high-ROI revenue generating teams and boards
Diversifying revenue, getting off a funding plateau, securing more gen-ops dollars, and building your reserve fund
Creating a high-powered revenue generating engine through needs-based budgeting
LinkedIn is where the conversations happen.
LinkedIn is my main platform and where you’ll get tons of nonprofit business advice, Friday Reframes, and first access to my content. Follow me there!
You can regularly find Sherry:
As a Co-host on the daily live video broadcast of The Nonprofit Show where the National Nonprofit community comes together!
Contributing to the Forbes Nonprofit Council!
See recent articles on Sherry’s profile page.
Every month when she features case studies and interviews with leading professionals in the sector on The Business Behind Fundraising.
“What an informative and hope-filled session yesterday. It was like a religious experience for me. I repressed many ‘Amens’ and ‘Praise the Lords’ sitting there. I desperately need to talk with you and secure your help to move to the next level.”
— Julian, Executive Director who attended recent speaking engagement

Some Favorite Podcast / Guest Appearances
The Nonprofit Upside-Down: How focusing on your bottom line leads to topline growth
Are you stuck kinda raising the same amount of money every year?
Big Asks from the Rhea Wong Podcast with Sherry Quam Taylor
Strategic Plan. Done. Now Pay For It.
Standing and Owning w/ Sherry Quam Taylor
Is Your Give/Get Policy Helping or Hurting Your Organization?
How to Attract Investment-Level Donors
How To Know If Your Fundraising Staff Is Leaving Money On The Table
Interested in having Sherry as a guest on your podcast, teach a webinar, or speak at your event?*
Please fill out the form.
*Most of Sherry’s speaking events are held on Zoom. She speaks at events or on webinars where the attendee list is provided afterward.