New Podcast: Case Study on how my client reaches his annual fundraising goals early every year (while working less hours)

On this month’s podcast, you’re hearing straight from my client, Tre Moore, National Director of India Rural Evangelical Fellowship (IREF). I’ve worked with Tre for years now, so we know each other well! Honestly, he’s become an amazing fundraiser. Maybe one of the best.

During our work together, the organization has grown and he has grown as a fundraiser in more ways than you can count. 

You can listen on Apple Podcasts HERE.

“The organization took a risk and hired me knowing I didn’t have fundraising experience but certainly had the passion and conviction. Fundraising was something I wanted to do but I didn’t know how to do it. So, it was hard for our organization to attract larger donors when I wasn’t confident in my skills. When I reached out to Sherry back in 2019, the organization was in ‘the red’, had lost our largest funder, and was spending the majority of time on transactional activities like sponsorships. Since our work together, we’ve shifted to playing the long-game and have doubled our revenue. Today, our donors hear our needs differently and I consistently solicit and secure 4-, 5-, and 6-figure gifts. Our event revenue has grown by 10X. Frankly, the last three years we reached our goal well before year end which allowed us to pause, plan, and prepare for the next year. The ship was sinking and now we’re able to have different conversations, think strategically, and help more kids in India.”  

- Tre Moore, National Director of IREF

Here’s a snapshot of what you’re going to hear from this relational leader today:

[2:25] “Fundraising was something I wanted to do but didn’t know how to do it.”

[3:50] What state was the organization in when you took the fundraising reins?

[5:50] When his boss asked him “how much money are you going to raise this year?” The question terrified him because he didn’t know what he didn’t know. How it started the journey to find a coach and help.

[6:45] The burden Tre felt that drove him to success.

[8:00] The organization had been in the red for many years when Tre joined. They’d even lost around 50% of their funding. Hear how he approached the uncertainty.

[9:40] How Tre keeps relational fundraising first - transactions aren’t natural to him. 

[18:00] How Tre has been leading donors to their best gift.

[20:40] Tre’s approach to prioritize our time - the activity I did with Tre that reframed how he spent his time.

[22:45] How Tre has raised the money to hire staff and how that’s allowed him to expand donors to other regions.

[25:50] What the organization looks like today…SPOILER…Fully funded before year end is typical now.

[28:45] The most tangible result of our work together. Confidence + Clarity + Conviction

[31:20] How has Tre grown his donor pipeline?

[33:00] How Tre has shifted his events to be efficient and lucrative…one example he gives is an event going from $15K to $135K! 

🔗Connect with Tre here
👂To listen to the episode on Apple podcasts in its entirety, go here.

Whenever you’re ready, here are THREE things you can do next:

👣 Follow me on LinkedIn here where I share the same lessons I teach my clients about attracting larger gen-ops dollars and adding 7-figures + to their bottom line. 

🍎 Read my GUIDE! THE TRUTH ABOUT GIVE/GETS :: Top 5 Reasons Your Board’s Give/Get Is Leaving Thousands (Sometimes Millions) on the Table. See how limiting board members to the Give/Get model restricts gifts and keeps your staff from reaching their full fundraising potential. Here to get it.

📈 Work with me to scale your org's revenue by 2-5X and fund your organization’s Strategic Plan // If you’re a business-minded CEO already raising MILLIONS but need to diversify revenue and secure more general-operating dollars to invest in growth, you can apply to work with me here.

Sherry Quam Taylor

Sherry Quam Taylor works with business-minded Nonprofit CEOs whose Strategic Plans require expansive budgets and larger amounts of general-operating revenue for growth. To become investment-level ready, Sherry helps leaders see their revenue potential and helps them see what may be blocking donors from giving in this way. Sherry’s clients know how to attract larger donors by solving the funding challenges at the root of the issue.

As a result of learning her methodology, Sherry’s clients become sustainable, diversify revenue, and know how to add significant amounts gen-ops revenue to their budgets. But mostly, their development departments and board have transformed into high-ROI revenue generators – aligning their hours with relational dollars and set free from the limitations of transactional fundraising.

Sherry attributes the success of her business to her passion for modeling radical confidence to the future CEOs in her house - her two college-aged daughters.

New Podcast: Case Study in uUsing your 5X revenue goals to attract major donors


New Podcast: How to raise more funds using your . . . VOICE!