This blog is dedicated to scaling your nonprofit’s revenue.
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What to Do About Lapsed Donors: What Nonprofits Should Know
Donor lapse (also known as donor attrition) is a common nonprofit challenge, but not an unsolvable one. A lapsed donor is a donor who gave to your nonprofit in the past but hasn’t donated again within a specific time period (typically 12 months).
The 3 Sources of Board Member Disengagement
Could Your Board Members Be More Engaged?
If your answer is yes, what’s it costing you because they’re not? Read on to learn about a FREE learning opportunity that will help.
The Key to Scaling and Growing Your Nonprofit: Embrace an Out-of-the-Box Perspective
When I started my business over 10 years ago, I don’t think I realized where I would be in 2023. Of course, anyone who starts a business has predefined goals—at least they should! I knew what I wanted to accomplish and the steps it would take to get there. Yet, things can sometimes get a tad bit cloudy on a normally-sunny day. (More on that in a minute.)
Leading Your Nonprofit Donors Through Investment-Level Conversations
What happens when your entire team knows how to have investment-level conversations with donors? Even, your board members?
To answer this you’ll have to see the email report from my client below . . .
Donor Cultivation: Treat them like Humans!
You know where I see millions of dollars left on the table every year? Yep, millions.
Transactional fundraising. I know, we hear it a lot. There are 3 specific instances that make my hair on the back of my neck stand up!
Compensation for Nonprofit Staff Members: 4 Strategies
You’ve likely heard the term “Great Resignation” to describe the trend of thousands of employees voluntarily leaving their jobs in 2021. Nearly every industry felt its impacts—including the nonprofit sector. While for-profit employees often cited the desire to find more meaning in their work as their reason for leaving, many nonprofit staff resigned due to burnout from taking on multiple roles within their organization at the same time.
This trend has led many nonprofits to reevaluate their strategies for retaining staff members. If your organization is in this position, one consideration that you’ll almost certainly discuss is compensation.
Nonprofit Checklist - Is your fundraising team leaving money on the table?
When something’s not working in your fundraising department, how can you hunt for the right culprit?
Too often, we’re fighting to solve the symptom and not the sustainable cure.
Nonprofit CRM Comparison: Comparing the Top Providers
Your CRM provides your nonprofit with essential donation tools, donor management features, and campaign planning and hosting tools. While it may seem like each CRM functions similarly, it’s important to note that each provider places different emphasis on various features and may offer an entirely different suite of tools and support your organization may find useful.
Do you ever wish your nonprofit mission or cause could sell itself?
Do you ever wish your mission or cause could sell itself?
Seems like it should, right?
Conversations are quick and easy and should go something like this . . .
➡️ You have an amazing mission
➡️ People read your newsletter and are immediately inspired
➡️ Tears are in their eyes when you tell the stories of those you serve
➡️ And then, boom! new donor!
➡️ And even better - it’s a giant check!
I wish.
Reality is, donors . . .
Nonprofit Leaders: Donor Fatigue isn't really a thing . . .
Recently I reviewed a Fundraising Plan where the team members were instructed to list any obstacles they saw in their path that would keep them from reaching or exceeding their annual goals.
And, guess what nearly everyone on the team noted . . .
“donor fatigue”
(I can be blunt with you, right?)
If you’re a leader and you're hearing this from your team, it’s likely a skillset issue. Not a donor issue.
The biggest thing a nonprofit board member can do to raise more money . . .
You might want to sit down.
What if I told you the biggest thing a nonprofit board member can do to raise more money isn’t fundraising?
Would you believe me?
In order to grow by millions of dollars. 2X, 3X, even 5X . . . first we must make sure you’re board is on board with these concepts . . .
Are your nonprofit board members more visionary? Or more nit-picky?
I had a great introductory call with a prospective client the other day. They are a $5M organization who wants to grow their budget by millions! They even have a Strategic Planning process on the calendar for this Fall.
She asked me a great question…Does it make more sense to start our work with you before or after the Strategic Planning process. My answer . . .
Embracing Change Is The Key to Nonprofit Growth
I was listening to one of my favorite podcasts by Ramit Sethi the other day and there was a statement made that struck me.
That statement?
Most people (even if they are failing) are more comfortable with choosing the same thing over and over again as opposed to trying something new.
My answer? I agreed with it.