GUEST POST // The 3 Sources of Board Member Disengagement

Hi, there! Mary’s been supporting nonprofit executives for over 20 years to cultivate great boards. I want that for you. Check out this free learning opportunity. - Sherry

Guest Post by Mary Hiland

Could Your Board Members Be More Engaged?

If your answer is yes, what’s it costing you because they’re not? Read on to learn about a FREE learning opportunity that will help.

Having disengaged board members results in:

  • Lack of community engagement with their nonprofit

  • Wasted time in board meetings going over old items one or more people missed.

  • Boring board meetings

  • Too much board management work falling to you as the executive director.

  • Less resources – loss of time, talent, and treasure

And I could go on. . .

Have you experienced these or other challenges because one or more of your board members just wasn’t engaged?

You can’t afford not to have a fully engaged effective board!

But where do you start?

That’s exactly what I’ll be teaching in my upcoming FREE workshop: The 3 Sources of Board Member Disengagement.

Click here to save your spot now!

No fluff! Just 20-minute valuable trainings over 4 days and a chance to get your questions answered.

Don’t miss out – go here now.

PS - Feel free to share this sign-up link with other nonprofit executives who you think would be interested in it.

This guest post was written by Mary Hiland.

Sherry Quam Taylor

Sherry Quam Taylor works with growth-minded Nonprofit CEOs who are scaling their organizations but still need larger amounts of general operating support to truly grow. She breaks their teams free from the limitations of transactional fundraising and helps them reimagine their entire approach to revenue generation.

The high-performing leaders Sherry works with want to find and secure more unrestricted revenue from investment-level donors. They simply need more funding to do what’s in their Strategic Plan. To achieve this, she transforms their teams and boards into high-ROI revenue generators - revealing how they can align every hour they spend fundraising with new principles that double and triple donation sizes.

As a result of learning her methodology, Sherry’s clients regularly add 7-figures of gen-ops revenue to their bottom line by learning how to attract investment-level donors that WANT to fund their work. But the biggest transformation they experience is knowing the exact strategy, path, and team that will propel them to generate the 2-10X dollars their strategic plans require.

Sherry attributes the success of her business to her passion for modeling radical confidence to the future CEOs in her house - her two teenage daughters.

GUEST POST // What to Do About Lapsed Donors: What Nonprofits Should Know


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