This blog is dedicated to scaling your nonprofit’s revenue.
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Transactional Fundraising Versus Relational Fundraising in Your Nonprofit
Often, when a nonprofit organization's Strategic Plans call for growth, there’s often a statement made that goes something like this…."We need to move from transactional fundraising to relational fundraising."
Honestly, I’ve said that statement too.
But, what’s funny is I don’t think most people REALLY know what that statement even means.
Nonprofit Leaders: If you want to scale by millions, ask these questions about your organization . . .
Nonprofit CEO: If your org wants to scale by millions or even greatly diversify your portfolio…the FIRST question you should NOT ask is….
”Should we hire another fundraiser?”
What questions to ask instead . . .
GUEST POST // 7 Non-Cash Donation Options for Capital Campaign Donors
Contributed by the team at Capital Campaign Pro
When it comes to capital campaigns, educating your donors about all the diverse and non-traditional ways that they can contribute will pay dividends, especially in the quiet phase when you’ll likely be working your way down a gift range chart, soliciting high-net-worth individuals, and raising a majority of your campaign goal.
Non-cash donations are a win-win: they offer flexible and tax-efficient giving options that can appeal to a wide range of donors and can generate a large amount of revenue for your nonprofit.
How much should your nonprofit organization grow annually?
On this month's interview on Tony Martignetti's Nonprofit Radio he asked me “What type or amount of growth do I like to see organizations make year after year?”…
My belief? (You can listen here & hop to minute 15:15 where we talk about this.)
GUEST POST // User Experience Design: What It Is + Why Nonprofits Need It
By Karin Tracy of Fíonta
As a nonprofit professional, you’re likely well aware of the importance of having a compelling marketing strategy, a visually appealing website, and a streamlined donation page. Without one of these crucial elements, your organization could be missing out on essential funding.
However, many nonprofits overlook a key component of effective fundraising and donor communications. User experience design is necessary to shape positive, straightforward donor experiences that inspire them to continuously support your mission.
6 Common Symptoms of a Nonprofit Organization with a Shared Fundraising & Marketing/Communications Position
Did you listen to my new interview on Tony Martignetti's Nonprofit Radio?
We did a deep dive on one of my favorite topics: The struggle with combined Fundraising and Marketing/Communication positions.
Guest Podcast Spot: Breaking Down Combined Development & Marketing/Communications Teams
I got to be on another one of Tony Martignetti’s podcasts!
If your organization has a combined Fundraising and Marketing/Communications position, you won’t want to miss this podcast episode.
How to lead your nonprofit donors to their best gifts, every year . . .
How do you grow and secure a $75K gift when you’d initially anticipated $5K from that donor? To answer that you’d need to ask my client I started working with earlier this year.
The answer to growing so many donors’ gifts isn’t in ADDING. Like…ADDING an event, appeal, brochure.
It’s actually REMOVING blocks that are keeping donors from giving their best gift.
Nonprofit Leaders: Reimagine Your Overall Approach to Revenue Generation
When my new client said this to me, I stopped in my tracks . . .
“We’ve planned to finish ‘in the red’ next year.”
At that very moment, I knew the task ahead of me. I knew it because I’ve done it before.
Your Nonprofit Staff Needs to Lead Your Board
I feel like I can be direct with you. Hosting a Fundraising Workshop for your Board won't create magic.
Do I require a Board Workshop within all my contracts? Yes.
Do I want your Board to understand their role in resourcing your organization? Yes.
Will a workshop be the one thing that changes your board? Helps them ‘get it’? No.
Nonprofit Fundraising Is Something Entirely Different Than You’ve Been Told
What if fundraising is something entirely different than you've been told?
Well, I'm here to say that statement is true.
This topic came up in my recent podcast interview with my incredible client, Eve Turow-Paul. She's one of those subject-matter experts that found herself creating and scaling a nonprofit.
Nonprofit Leaders: Have you ever considered pausing your gala?
I’ve been accused of not liking Galas. Not true.
But, what can happen when you decide to pause the Gala and spend that time on relationship building? Well you can ask my client who did just that and saw a wild result. Here’s what happened….
I’m launching a new RESOURCE!
It's a GUIDE I call BUILD A BETTER BOARD MEMBER [ 3 overlooked characteristics that make or break your board's success ]