I’m launching a new RESOURCE! 

It's a GUIDE I call BUILD A BETTER BOARD MEMBER [ 3 overlooked characteristics that make or break your board's success ]

Grab it here.

When you have plans to scale your organization and strengthen your board, how do you know someone will be a good board member? What should you be looking for? 

A good board member will bring more than social connection or subject-matter expertise to your organization. Ideally, they’re contributing passion, abundant thinking, positive encouragement, and skills to the cause, as well as financial resources and governance.   

Easy, right?   

Well, no. That's exactly why I wrote this guide! 

It outlines three essential qualities of stellar board members that are often overlooked and even not discussed. Over the years I've noticed my clients struggle in these three specific areas. Grab the guide to read more.

Whenever you’re ready, here are THREE things you can do next:

👣 Follow me on LinkedIn where I share the same lessons I teach my clients about attracting larger gen-ops dollars and adding 7-figures + to their bottom line. 

🍎 Read my GUIDE! THE TRUTH ABOUT GIVE/GETS :: Top 5 Reasons Your Board’s Give/Get Is Leaving Thousands (Sometimes Millions) on the Table. See how limiting board members to the Give/Get model restricts gifts and keeps your staff from reaching their full fundraising potential. Here to get it.

📈 Work with me to scale your org's revenue by 2-5X and fund your organization’s Strategic Plan // If you’re a business-minded CEO already raising MILLIONS but need to diversify revenue and secure more general-operating dollars to invest in growth, you can apply to work with me here.

Sherry Quam Taylor

Sherry Quam Taylor works with business-minded Nonprofit CEOs whose Strategic Plans require expansive budgets and larger amounts of general-operating revenue for growth. To become investment-level ready, Sherry helps leaders see their revenue potential and helps them see what may be blocking donors from giving in this way. Sherry’s clients know how to attract larger donors by solving the funding challenges at the root of the issue.

As a result of learning her methodology, Sherry’s clients become sustainable, diversify revenue, and know how to add significant amounts gen-ops revenue to their budgets. But mostly, their development departments and board have transformed into high-ROI revenue generators – aligning their hours with relational dollars and set free from the limitations of transactional fundraising.

Sherry attributes the success of her business to her passion for modeling radical confidence to the future CEOs in her house - her two college-aged daughters.

Nonprofit Leaders: Have you ever considered pausing your gala?


Invest Deeply in Your Nonprofit Team, Then Your Board Will Follow