This blog is dedicated to scaling your nonprofit’s revenue.
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The Shift that Changes your Nonprofit's Financial Sustainability
Anyone can write an email, host an event, or design a fundraising campaign...
[OK, not anyone, but you get my point.]
But learning how to take the time to know your donor so well that a simple lunch results in a 5- or 6-figure gift?
4 Ways to Use Data in Your Direct Marketing Strategy
Nonprofit direct marketing relies on accurate data to create highly-targeted promotional materials that appeal to donors and drive meaningful support on behalf of your cause. In this guide, we’ll explore four ways that your nonprofit can use data to make the most of direct marketing.
My Nonprofit Mantra: Spend Money to Raise Money
“You have to spend money to make money” is a common phrase in the business world. The same rings true in the nonprofit sector. Yet, many nonprofit leaders don’t see it that way.
You Don't Need to Follow the Latest Trends in Nonprofit Fundraising
There’s a webinar topic I always decline. That topic?
The latest trends in fundraising. You know “The 5 things your nonprofit SHOULD BE doing in 2023.”
I’m not one to chase trends.
3 Call to Action (CTA) Fundamentals for Nonprofit Websites
Imagine this scenario:
You receive a promotional email from an eCommerce brand that you’ve purchased from in the past. You take a look at the email, learn about a special deal the brand is running, and are now interested.
When Your Nonprofit Board Says No
A moment of honesty. Can I tell you one of the most frustrating things I hear as someone who serves nonprofit CEOs and their teams?
The phrase: “I talked to the Board and they said no.”
The most common concern nonprofit boards have when THINKING of hiring me . . .
One of the most common concerns I get from leaders and boards THINKING about hiring me to increase their mid- and major-left gifts is this . . .
The Three Reasons Nonprofit CEOs Reach Out to Me . . .
Nonprofit CEOs often reach out to me in times when they're in pain or feeling a sense of pride . . .
Unrestricted Donations For Your Nonprofits
I probably don't need to tell you that UNRESTRICTED donations make the greatest difference to...your mission, your annual growth, and your long-term sustainability.
But here's what I hear too often...
Nonprofit Leaders: Are you nervous?
I’ve gotten really good at knowing who my perfect client is.
In the first call I’m listening for something really specific. . .
The answer? Is a nervous energy around risk and spending present?
When nonprofit fundraising seems boring . . .
Here’s what I hear from fundraisers fairly often . . . “This feels like the same cycle every year. Honestly, it’s monotonous and not inspiring.”
I get it. We all can get tired of the routines required to successfully fulfill our jobs.
So, let’s ask ourselves two things . . . and they may even sound a little contradictory.
Who is your nonprofit board taking their cue from?
There’s a phrase I hear a lot when leaders describing their team's approach to individual fundraising. It goes something like this:
“They just need to move from transactional to relational fundraising.”
Well, that’s kinda the problem.
Nonprofit CEOs: What is the amount of money you can spend without asking your board?
Nonprofit CEOs - Do you know ‘the number’?
You know…the amount of money you can spend without having to ask your board…