This blog is dedicated to scaling your nonprofit’s revenue.

Do you HAVE to ask your nonprofit board?
Nonprofit Growth, Development, Board Engagement Sherry Quam Taylor Nonprofit Growth, Development, Board Engagement Sherry Quam Taylor

Do you HAVE to ask your nonprofit board?

I was listening to a personal finance podcast the other day. My favorite one right now is Ramit Sethi's podcast here. He interviews couples about how they manage (and fight about, disagree about, stress over) their finances. The other day he was talking about ‘the number’. You know, the highest dollar amount you each can spend without asking your partner…so interesting!

I love his podcast because it’s all about money mindset and money rules….and that’s where there’s TONS of overlap with my work.

These episodes totally resonate with me because I see multi-million dollar organizations who don’t have ‘the number’.

You know, the number you can spend without asking your board.

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Nonprofit Revenue Growth: What does it take to grow from $2M to $10M annually?
Development, Nonprofit Growth Sherry Quam Taylor Development, Nonprofit Growth Sherry Quam Taylor

Nonprofit Revenue Growth: What does it take to grow from $2M to $10M annually?

I typically have lots of calls with nonprofit leaders at the end of the calendar year. This past year was at an all time high. Makes sense. You're thinking about climbing that revenue hill again and want to know what it looks like if I was at your side for those 12 months training you, your staff, and your board.

Well, I had an interesting day this past year during these calls. I had two potential client conversations scheduled on the same day.

There were a lot of similarities between the two nonprofits:
- Both leaders were running similar sized organizations
- Both knew they needed more unrestricted revenue for general-operating expenses.
- Both had reached out because they are experts in something other than fundraising.
- Both suspect their development teams and boards might be leaving money on the table.

But, here's where the similarities stopped . . .

I asked . . . What are your growth plans? How much money do you need?

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Looking Forward: 4 Fundraising Tips for 2022
Guest Post, Development Sherry Quam Taylor Guest Post, Development Sherry Quam Taylor

Looking Forward: 4 Fundraising Tips for 2022

2022 is upon us! Everyone is working toward their New Year’s resolutions to make this year brighter and better than ever before. During this time, your team is also working hard to use the data you have on hand to create a strategic plan for a more successful year for your nonprofit.

It’s important to understand both where nonprofit professionals have been the last couple of years as well as how the nonprofit sector will evolve in order to be sure you’re making the most of the new opportunities the year can bring.

This year, you can expect to see both new and continuing fundraising trends from the last several years. By acknowledging these trends, your organization can raise more money and make the most of its fundraising efforts.

With that in mind, we recommend incorporating the following fundraising tips into your nonprofit’s fundraising strategy:

  1. Plan hybrid fundraising events.

  2. Develop new partnerships with for-profit businesses.

  3. Leverage new connections through your board.

  4. Focus on your mid-level donors.

Ready to learn more about the tips we’ve listed above and see how they’ll help your organization? Let’s get started.

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Nonprofit Advocacy: How to Plan Your Next Campaign
Guest Post, Campaigns Sherry Quam Taylor Guest Post, Campaigns Sherry Quam Taylor

Nonprofit Advocacy: How to Plan Your Next Campaign

Advocacy campaigns are effective tools for raising awareness about your organization’s mission and driving positive change. Plus, these campaigns have the added benefit of strengthening your nonprofit’s relationships with supporters, helping you to acquire new ambassadors for your cause, and ultimately empowering you to be more successful in all your efforts.

Advocacy campaigns require extensive forethought, planning, and the right tools in order to succeed and help you reach your goals. After all, they require the mobilization and organization of a broad range of people with different levels of experience in lobbying and advocacy.

Before you launch an advocacy campaign, it’s important that your organization has a clear idea of where you are, where you want to go, and how you’re going to get there.

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Donor Cultivation: Having “The Talk” with Your Nonprofit Donors
Development, Nonprofit Growth Sherry Quam Taylor Development, Nonprofit Growth Sherry Quam Taylor

Donor Cultivation: Having “The Talk” with Your Nonprofit Donors

Fundraisers: When you go into a donor meeting, what’s your biggest fear?

The simple answer, that donors will simply say “no,” is real—but a bit broad.

Let’s dig a little deeper…

Playing the Numbers Game

I often hear development staff say their biggest fear is not knowing the answers to a donor’s questions. I talk about this a lot in regards to “the numbers.” It’s certainly a valid concern in some cases, if staff members aren’t privy to the financial aspects of their organization’s overall strategic initiatives.

To that, I say:

1) Your staff should have access to and knowledge of the true financial need of the organization. How else would they convey the need to investment-level donors? That’s why it’s so important to budget for training - to provide development staff the skills they need to lead donors to their best gift.

2) If there are questions that cannot be answered at that moment, what a perfect opportunity to get back in touch with that donor once you do have the answers. It’s a natural progression into relationship building!

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Fixing the Root Causes of Failed Fundraising
Development, Nonprofit Growth Sherry Quam Taylor Development, Nonprofit Growth Sherry Quam Taylor

Fixing the Root Causes of Failed Fundraising

As a nonprofit leader, how many times have you put weeks, maybe months, building out your strategic initiative and at the end of the day you didn’t have money to do them! The entire process didn’t live up to your expectations. Worse, it didn’t live up to your board’s expectations?

Frankly, this happens more often than you might think. Why?

Fundraising is strategic, yes. But unless you optimize the foundational elements of your fundraising plan (which really should be a financing plan), all of that “strategy” is for naught.

Sadly, unfulfilled Strategic Plans is one of the Top 3 reasons nonprofit CEOs reach out to me.

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Digital Waivers for Volunteers: 5 Things to Consider
Guest Post, Volunteers, Events Sherry Quam Taylor Guest Post, Volunteers, Events Sherry Quam Taylor

Digital Waivers for Volunteers: 5 Things to Consider

Whether you’re planning a fundraising event or a regular form of your nonprofit programming, you likely rely significantly on the time and labor donated by your dedicated volunteers.

Those volunteers are important to you and your mission, so it’s imperative that you consider any risks that they assume every time they come to an event or your office to volunteer.

That’s where waivers come in handy—many nonprofits have their volunteers sign a waiver at the beginning of their volunteering engagement. A waiver protects both you and your volunteers, which helps to preserve your relationship and enables you to continue working with each other far into the future.

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Why the “Great Resignation” Isn’t a New Problem in the Nonprofit Sector
Nonprofit Hire, Development, Nonprofit Growth Sherry Quam Taylor Nonprofit Hire, Development, Nonprofit Growth Sherry Quam Taylor

Why the “Great Resignation” Isn’t a New Problem in the Nonprofit Sector

You might have heard about the “Great Resignation,” which refers to a recent “tidal wave of resignation.” This reality has affected almost every industry—from corporate finance to retail. The nonprofit sector, in particular, has suffered greatly.

I’m witnessing the challenges my clients are facing firsthand. So many nonprofit leaders have been impacted by the departure of their fundraising staff. I lost count of the nonprofit CEOs who’ve come to me over the last 12 months wanting to hire “right” this time.

To do this, we need to have a much deeper conversation—one that requires looking at the foundational structure of nonprofit organizations. Why? Because this problem only gets fixed at the root.

People will take a pay cut to have a greater sense of meaning at work. That doesn't mean you should be frugal when you budget.

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Hybrid Board Meetings: The Future of Board Operations
Guest Post, Board Engagement Sherry Quam Taylor Guest Post, Board Engagement Sherry Quam Taylor

Hybrid Board Meetings: The Future of Board Operations

The past two years have certainly been a whirlwind. Like many others, I’ve found remote work to be a double-edged sword. As much as I’ve enjoyed the freedom it offers to work from wherever, I also really missed the energy of being in the same room as others who are passionate about their work. Leading a nonprofit remotely can be a very similar experience.

Board service is a commitment. That means doing what you can to come together despite the challenges you face — global pandemic or not. Growing a nonprofit during a crisis takes extra energy and motivation. That being said, you don’t want to put anyone in an uncomfortable position by running a fully in-person meeting. People will either not show up or be resentful that your organization is making them come together during a pandemic. Many people are still uncomfortable being around others — vaccinated or not. And that’s alright!

On the other hand, some people really thrive in an environment where they’re working face-to-face. Working remotely inhibits their creativity and stifles their energy. Why not offer the best of both worlds? Hybrid board meetings are a catch-all solution that makes working together enjoyable for everyone!

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4 Characteristics of the Most Successful Nonprofits
Development, Growth, Nonprofit Growth Sherry Quam Taylor Development, Growth, Nonprofit Growth Sherry Quam Taylor

4 Characteristics of the Most Successful Nonprofits

No matter what industry you’re in, everyone wants to know the “secret sauce.” Those key elements that make one entity rise above all others.

What if we stopped looking at the secret to success as just that… a secret? With some guidance, expertise, and (very) doable action items, nonprofit goals are not at all unattainable.

Here are four to consider...

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A Different Take on “Change” within the Nonprofit Sector
Development, Growth, Nonprofit Growth Sherry Quam Taylor Development, Growth, Nonprofit Growth Sherry Quam Taylor

A Different Take on “Change” within the Nonprofit Sector

Change is at the root of every nonprofit. These organizations are working tirelessly to inspire and instill change; to solve the most pressing problems on the planet.

I’d like to propose the change needed before real change can occur… and it starts from within.

Okay, I know that may sound a little “woo-woo,” but bear with me. I’m not talking Buddhism, I’m talking BUDGET.

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