I Love LinkedIn: My Top 10 Fundraising Posts of 2021

Happy New Year!

I have some news...I'm launching my YouTube-hosted Podcast very soon! I cannot wait to tell you all about it.

In preparation for the first season's content, I went back through my entire 2021 LinkedIn feed to see what posts were the highest performing and what you guys commented most on! This exercise is really helping me formulate 'the why' behind my podcast. More on that later.

After I pulled together the top performing posts, I wanted to share them with you . . . just in case there was a nugget you missed!

So, in David Letterman's Top Ten List style....here are my top-performing LinkedIn posts of 2021. Enjoy! 

✍🏼POST #1My plea to donors on your behalf - inviting everyone to make an important shift away from the scarcity mentality that has plagued the sector for too long. In essence, donors should stop believing the age-old myth that nonprofits should be able to solve world problems on shoestring budgetsJanuary 2021 // 51,838 views

✍🏼POST #2Using PR as an example, a reminder that there is NO QUICK-FIX to revenue generation. To grow, you must start doing the things that generate long-term champions who will fund your overall mission year after year. And that takes time. January 2021 // 28,404 views

✍🏼POST #3: A story about the day I told a nonprofit they weren’t ready to re-hire a Development Director role they’ve struggled to keep in the position. Why? They aren’t ready. November 2021 // 10,539 views

✍🏼POST #4Promoting my webinar at TopNonprofits Virtual Summit for Nonprofit Changemakers! What did I talk about that created such a stir? My favorite topic: What you should do when your funding has plateaued and you’ve kinda raised the same amount of money year after year. February 20221 // 10,279 views 

✍🏼POST #5The answer to a question I’ve been asked dozens of times in 2021…That question? We need to hire a development director AND a marketing/communications role. Whom should I hire first? My answer … November // 10,142 views

✍🏼POST #6: The day I talked about the phrase I hear over and over again from your fundraising staff. It goes something like this: “I feel pretty good about applying for grants, sending appeals, and planning events, but I don't always know what I’m doing when it comes to finding larger, individual donors.” October 2021 // 7,115 views

✍🏼POST #7How my client got back in the black and was raising 7-figures more of general-operating dollars shortly thereafter (without adding more appeals or events). September 2021 // 6,039 views

✍🏼POST #8Where I started with my new client when, despite their programs having grown, they simply needed more gen ops funding. The problem? Their fundraising staff was max’d and they simply couldn’t add more to their plate. November 2021 // 5,655 views

✍🏼POST #9Apparently I felt a little blunt on this day….”If your development staff kinda raises the same amount of money every year & never you have enough unrestricted cash to build your reserve, you may not need more/different fundraising activities.” What do you really need? November 2021 // 5,160 views  

✍🏼POST #10: Why I cringe a little bit when I’m asked for “a script for donor calls”. Whether it’s for you, your board members, or staff . . . February 2021 // 4,998 views

Which one is your favorite?

Thanks so much for following along on LinkedIn! Today, I meet most of my clients over there. I'd encourage you to get a game plan in place and start showing up for donors to find you there too! Consistency is the key.

To your success in 2022,

Whenever you’re ready, here are TWO things you can do next:

👣 Follow me on LinkedIn and subscribe to my podcast, The Business Behind Fundraising // I give away insider info every week - the same lessons I teach my clients about what they can do to attract larger gen-ops dollars and add 7-figures+ to their bottom line.


📈 Work with me to put your organization on a 2X - 10X revenue trajectory // If you’re raising millions of charitable revenue each year but scaling your team’s fundraising efforts to match your aggressive growth initiatives feels unclear, just send me an email (Sherry@QuamTaylor.com) with the subject line “grow.” Tell me a little about your org and your need to scale. 

Sherry Quam Taylor

Sherry Quam Taylor works with growth-minded Nonprofit CEOs who are scaling their organizations but still need larger amounts of general operating support to truly grow. She breaks their teams free from the limitations of transactional fundraising and helps them reimagine their entire approach to revenue generation.

The high-performing leaders Sherry works with want to find and secure more unrestricted revenue from investment-level donors. They simply need more funding to do what’s in their Strategic Plan. To achieve this, she transforms their teams and boards into high-ROI revenue generators - revealing how they can align every hour they spend fundraising with new principles that double and triple donation sizes.

As a result of learning her methodology, Sherry’s clients regularly add 7-figures of gen-ops revenue to their bottom line by learning how to attract investment-level donors that WANT to fund their work. But the biggest transformation they experience is knowing the exact strategy, path, and team that will propel them to generate the 2-10X dollars their strategic plans require.

Sherry attributes the success of her business to her passion for modeling radical confidence to the future CEOs in her house - her two teenage daughters.


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