Nonprofit Fundraising: You Need to SPEND Money to RAISE Money

Can I be blunt? 

90% of RAISING to budget every year is about SPENDING money on the right things. 

Already have hives? 

If you’re NOT consistently spending on the resources you need to reach or exceed your budget every year, it’s likely you’re NOT growing at the pace you’d like. 

If you’re in the hives category you might need to look at what’s behind that. 

What stories have you been told about spending? What stories are you believing that are holding you back? Are you simply being too frugal when it comes to resourcing your #fundraising efforts? 

Some common areas of frugality I see in Development Departments that keeps orgs from scaling?

 🤼‍♂️ Staff headcount is simply too small for the goal set before them.

If your budget has grown, but your fundraising staff hasn’t, we have a problem.  


🏋️‍♀️ Fundraising team receiving proper major-gifts training.

Teams often feel really confident writing grants, planning events, and designing campaigns…but when it comes to attracting investment-level donors and sitting down with them 1:1 and asking for their best gift? They’ve never been trained how to do that.


🎩 Fundraisers are wearing too many hats and are also in charge of Mar/Comm.

If you’re already raising millions and your Development team is still in charge of all your org’s mar/comm, it’s likely they are using too many precious hours on news, campaign, and appeal deadlines…when they need to align their hours to dollars to do relational fundraising work.


So, remember… 

Your development team can’t do more, on less. But, they can do more with more training, more equipping, more resources! 

This year, let's make sure you’ve resourced your team to reach their goals. 

What other areas of frugality do you see?

Whenever you’re ready, here are THREE things you can do next:

👣 Follow me on LinkedIn where I share the same lessons I teach my clients about attracting larger gen-ops dollars and adding 7-figures + to their bottom line. 

🍎 Read my GUIDE! THE TRUTH ABOUT GIVE/GETS :: Top 5 Reasons Your Board’s Give/Get Is Leaving Thousands (Sometimes Millions) on the Table. See how limiting board members to the Give/Get model restricts gifts and keeps your staff from reaching their full fundraising potential. Here to get it.

📈 Work with me to scale your org's revenue by 2-5X and fund your organization’s Strategic Plan // If you’re a business-minded CEO already raising MILLIONS but need to diversify revenue and secure more general-operating dollars to invest in growth, you can apply to work with me here.

Sherry Quam Taylor

Sherry Quam Taylor works with business-minded Nonprofit CEOs whose Strategic Plans require expansive budgets and larger amounts of general-operating revenue for growth. To become investment-level ready, Sherry helps leaders see their revenue potential and helps them see what may be blocking donors from giving in this way. Sherry’s clients know how to attract larger donors by solving the funding challenges at the root of the issue.

As a result of learning her methodology, Sherry’s clients become sustainable, diversify revenue, and know how to add significant amounts gen-ops revenue to their budgets. But mostly, their development departments and board have transformed into high-ROI revenue generators – aligning their hours with relational dollars and set free from the limitations of transactional fundraising.

Sherry attributes the success of her business to her passion for modeling radical confidence to the future CEOs in her house - her two college-aged daughters.

Attract Major Donors and Double Your Unrestricted Revenue


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