New Podcast: Why I'm No Longer Talking About Nonprofit Scarcity
Welcome to the first episode of season 2. And we’re going in strong.
Now that we’ve laid out the fundamentals in season 1, it’s time to discuss growth. I’m talking by MILLIONS – those nonprofit leaders who have navigated growth and scaled tremendously.
We know 2020 was indeed hard for many nonprofit organizations. But we also know we can use this time as a catalyst for change.
Let’s not look back.
For 2022 and beyond, I want to encourage you to lean into an abundance mindset and the perks that come with this growth perspective.
Tune in to The Business Behind Fundraising — Why I'm No Longer Talking About Nonprofit Scarcity with Sherry Quam Taylor.
What You Will Discover:
✔️How abundance attracts investment-level donors. They are attracted to high ambitions. They LOVE big plans. They are drawn to you when you dream of growing by millions. They want to be part of that huge change.
✔️It attracts your tribe. I love working with nonprofit leaders who are killing it - running amazing businesses. This mindset attracts people (donors, volunteers, staff, clients) who want to level up. No more operating in the scarcity zone!
✔️ Leaders want objectivity. Sometimes, it’s hard to see solutions when we’re too far in our plans and in our heads. Maybe a bit of reimagining could reveal what’s blocking your organization’s revenue so you can finally walk on a new path moving forward.
✔️ Be honest with your organization's skill sets. Your staff is the fuel to your engine – now that you’re scaling, constantly make sure you’ve got outstanding players on board and form your dream fundraising team
✔️ Retain major donors. How do we ensure all those donors who showed up in 2020 and 2021 will give again? How do we use their funding to build a strong reserve? How do we make long-term decisions? The opportunity for unrestricted funding is there. It’s up to you to do what it takes to keep it!
Whenever you’re ready, here are THREE things you can do next:
👣 Follow me on LinkedIn and subscribe to my podcast, The Business Behind Fundraising // I give away insider info every week - the same lessons I teach my clients about what they can do to attract larger gen-ops dollars and add 7-figures+ to their bottom line.
📝 Read my WHITEPAPER to see what’s keep you from having enough gen-ops funding each year // You’ll learn THE BIG FUNDRAISING SECRET that keeps nonprofits from securing money for programs AND infrastructure initiatives in their strategic plans. Here to get it.
📈 Work with me to put your organization on a 2X - 10X revenue trajectory // If you’re raising MILLIONS of charitable revenue each year but scaling your team’s fundraising efforts to match your aggressive growth initiatives feels unclear, just send me an email ( with the subject line “grow.” Tell me a little about your org and your need to scale.
P.S. If you’re not raising MILLIONS yet but you are ambitious, want to be there soon, and are ready to invest in scaling, just change your subject line to “ambitious” and I’ll reply with details.