New Podcast: Embracing Risk Within Your Strategic Planning Process
There are so many things that impact your team’s ability to reach and exceed their revenue goals every year. And these have very little to do with traditional fundraising.
One of them is your ability to take risks.
Imagine attracting major donors who are on the lookout for visionary missions and plans that incorporate risk.
Tune in to The Business Behind Fundraising — Embracing Risk Within Your Strategic Planning Process with Sherry Quam Taylor.
What You Will Discover:
✔️Major donors thrive in risk. Our default mindset always goes to, “Would they really fund us if we dream even bigger?” In reality, that’s exactly what so many donors want. I’ll be sharing a client experience that taught me this lesson.
✔️ Major donors want to challenge you. They’re entrepreneurs and business owners. That’s why they are MORE than willing to invest… if you have what it takes to paint your grand vision and make it come to life.
✔️ Budget for what's in your strategic plan and vision. There are things that aren’t in your budget that should be there. And those are what’s keeping you from scaling your revenue every year!
✔️ Don’t let risk keep you from an abundance mindset. Don’t be afraid to explore investments that could lead you to success. I always take my clients down a deep dive into their budgets to see what’s holding them back.
✔️ Abundance leads to continuous growth. Don’t wait for the millions to come to start thinking about momentum. Start doing the things that attract and keep donors. Build a team that truly knows how to do this.
✔️ Now’s the time to do it. I’ve seen what happens when organizations start taking risks. (Cause, honestly, aren’t they calculated risks?) Impressive revenue gains. So how can you overcome those uncomfortable feelings and realize that you – an amazing business person – can actually take bigger risks?
Whenever you’re ready, here are THREE things you can do next:
👣 Follow me on LinkedIn and subscribe to my podcast, The Business Behind Fundraising // I give away insider info every week - the same lessons I teach my clients about what they can do to attract larger gen-ops dollars and add 7-figures+ to their bottom line.
📝 Read my WHITEPAPER to see what’s keep you from having enough gen-ops funding each year // You’ll learn THE BIG FUNDRAISING SECRET that keeps nonprofits from securing money for programs AND infrastructure initiatives in their strategic plans. Here to get it.
📈 Work with me to put your organization on a 2X - 10X revenue trajectory // If you’re raising MILLIONS of charitable revenue each year but scaling your team’s fundraising efforts to match your aggressive growth initiatives feels unclear, just send me an email ( with the subject line “grow.” Tell me a little about your org and your need to scale.
P.S. If you’re not raising MILLIONS yet but you are ambitious, want to be there soon, and are ready to invest in scaling, just change your subject line to “ambitious” and I’ll reply with details.