This blog is dedicated to scaling your nonprofit’s revenue.

Guest Podcast Episode: "Planning Where You Want to Go" with Stu Swineford
Development, Nonprofit Growth, Featured Sherry Quam Taylor Development, Nonprofit Growth, Featured Sherry Quam Taylor

Guest Podcast Episode: "Planning Where You Want to Go" with Stu Swineford

When someone leads with, “I hope you don’t take this personally…” it’s natural to brace for a blow.

How nice is it then when it turns out to be a compliment!

Someone recently said to me, “I hope you don’t take this personally but I feel like your approach is quite practical, it’s quite straightforward.”

It *is* practical. It’s not flashy, or sparkly, or “out there.” There’s no quick fix to fundraising - and there’s no expedited timeline for growth.

But, when organizations put one foot in front of the other, and are consistent in using the tools we create (skills, knowledge, mindset shifts), that’s when transformation truly occurs.

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Guest Podcast Episode: “Take No Prisoners Fundraising Success” with Larry C. Johnson
Nonprofit Growth, Development, Featured Sherry Quam Taylor Nonprofit Growth, Development, Featured Sherry Quam Taylor

Guest Podcast Episode: “Take No Prisoners Fundraising Success” with Larry C. Johnson

I want to share a a bit of my recent conversation with Larry C. Johnson, founder of The Eight Principles and host of Oracle League Podcasts.

In our conversation, Larry shared this phrase with me when talking with nonprofit CEOs: Have you found your organization’s four-leaf clover?

We were talking about efficient and effective fundraising - which eludes so many organizations within the nonprofit sector. Executive directors and board members constantly grapple with:

❌ Not enough unrestricted gifts
❌ Lack of gen-ops revenue
❌ Heavy emphasis on project based gifts
❌ Little professional development in fundraising staff
❌ Feeling like they can’t take risks

I’m not telling you anything new here! These ARE the pervasive barriers within the sector.

But, they’re not impenetrable.

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