The Business Behind Nonprofit Fundraising—You Need to Fix the Root of the Issue First
Here's what I'm not . . .
🛑 I am not an accountant.
But, I can tell you when your budget is keeping you from growing and blocking your development team from reaching their goal.
🛑 I am not a program person.
But, I can tell when donors are confused by what you do and the questions they have that keep them from giving to you.
🛑 I am not a graphic designer.
But, I can tell you why your materials aren’t supporting a major-gift donor experience or yielding 5- and 6- figure gifts.
🛑 I’m not a marketer.
But, I can tell you when your outreach and cultivation is mis-aligned per donor segment and is keeping major donors from giving a larger gift.
Steady, unrestricted revenue for gen-operating expenses gets solved at the business level. Not always the traditional fundraising level.
Fix the root of the issue first. These are the things that BLOCK donors from even understanding you NEED their money. Then you can work on attracting large donors to your individual giving program.
Ready to get clarity and fix all the things that block donors from giving their best gift to your mission? Apply to work with me here.
Whenever you’re ready, here are THREE things you can do next:
👣 Follow me on LinkedIn where I share insider info daily — the same lessons I teach my clients about attracting larger gen-ops dollars and diversifying revenue.
🍎 Grab FREE Guides + White Papers — download robust resources you can use to push against the sector’s misconceptions, equip your board, and shift your team into High-ROI fundraising.
📈 Work with me to diversify revenue & secure the gen-ops gifts you need to grow. If you’re a business-minded nonprofit CEO with big growth plans but need to make charitable revenue from investment-level donors a bigger part of your budget, you can apply to work with me here.