Teaching Nonprofits to Scale Unrestricted, Gen-Ops Dollars to Fund Growth
Is your nonprofit too dependent on government contracts, a few foundations, an annual event, or earned revenue?
Let’s fix that. You CAN fully fund your programs, while gaining the flexibility needed for overhead and building a reserve for the future. And it doesn’t take years and years of strategic planning, or securing a MacKenzie Scott gift, or running a skeleton crew of staff. Diversified funding is possible.
Does your team know how to prioritize high-ROI fundraising activities?
Every year during annual planning, you intend to allocate more time to relational fundraising in hopes of securing larger charitable gifts. Even with a seasoned development staff and a networked board, the transactional and reactive fundraising continues. Nothing changes.
As the leader, you have the power to initiate change and get your team off the spin-cycle.
I advise business-minded, high-performing Nonprofit CEOs who are already running great organizations that secure millions every year.
But there's still a problem…they need MORE unrestricted money.
They simply don’t have the steady, general operating revenue to support the growth initiatives within their strategic plans.
They WANT to diversify funds or grow by 2X…5X…10X, but that’s difficult without dollars for infrastructure investments.
Perhaps you’re in the same situation?
What’s frustrating is you know your mission is deserving of MORE, but for years you’ve hovered at that same $8M or $20M mark. Or maybe you’re a $50M organization that’s growing, but the growth is in contracts, restricted government funds, or in-kind resources which leaves cash flow tight and gives you no flexibility.
Here’s the bottom line: It’s not a fundraising problem you have to fix first.
(Believe me. The sector’s chatter will say you can solve this problem with a better digital campaign, better social media, a better grant writer, a better board, or a better PR strategy.)
This could help in some way for some period of time.
But it’s not the real change you need to make.
You’ll never fully reach your true revenue potential unless you remove what’s blocking your unrestricted revenue growth at the root of your organization. These are the things that:
KEEP large donors from knowing how to deeply invest in your mission.
KEEP your reserve fund from growing.
KEEP your staff and board from reaching your revenue goal each year.
And, most importantly, KEEP you from scaling by 2X, 5X, and beyond.
I’m not a traditional fundraising consultant. I’m your CEO’s non-equity business partner—linked arm-in-arm to change the business behind your fundraising engine.
As a result, my clients create financial sustainability, diversify funding, grow gen-ops revenue, and start securing the dollars they’ve been leaving on the table for years.
Some of my amazing nonprofit clients:

“A huge part of the benefit Sherry’s given me is the license to think boldly. When we started, [my org] had already put together a Strategic Plan [but had seen] very minimal growth. Sherry came in and highlighted to us that it may not be attractive to investment level donors. Thinking small wasn’t good for our organization, and it was actually hurting our ability to reach our fundraising goals. Now, we’re thinking big, and we’ve put into practice the things that allow us to get there. We’ve grown our budget by 40% this year compared to past years when a 10% growth trajectory was the norm.”
– Emily Norton, Executive Director, Charles River Watershed Association
Imagine your entire nonprofit team knowing how to attract larger donors and secure their best gift…every year.
You’d know what your entire team should STOP doing so they could START having investment-level conversations with individuals, foundations, and corporations who WANT to give to you.
I advise Nonprofit CEOs who are ALREADY raising millions but struggling to diversify revenue and secure enough general operating revenue to really grow.
I help them reimagine their entire approach to revenue generation.
The organizations I work with transform their development departments and boards into high-ROI revenue generators—aligning every hour they spend fundraising with new principles that lead to 5-, 6-, and 7-figure gifts.